Everyone at Diabetes Guernsey is passionate about education around diabetes. Knowing what diabetes is, how to live with it, and how to support people around you with diabetes is vital.
We run campaigns and events to raise awareness of all aspects of diabetes. Increased knowledge about diabetes means the possibility for earlier diagnosis, which leads to better outcomes for people with diabetes. Education will also ensure that more people understand what diabetes is and how to support people living with diabetes. Our main focus will always be to help people to ‘live well’ with diabetes.
We hold fundraising and awareness events throughout the year, such as quiz nights, Diabetes Week activities, education days and summer balls. You can also help us fundraise by holding mufti days, cake sales or even getting sponsorship to run a marathon! Please visit our Facebook page to keep up to date with the latest events.
You can also donate easily at any time through www.giving.gg or contact us directly to set up regular donations.
Some successful Campaigns and Events
We are funding the first year of a new educational programme which is being delivered by nurses at HSC, with the acronym DESMOND (Diabetes Education and Self Management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed).
DESMOND is a UK NHS organisation that helps to deliver high quality patient education to people who have Type 2 diabetes. DESMOND sessions take place monthly and are delivered via face-to-face meetings or online modules called MYDESMOND.
Meetings are led by a trained nurse educator. Participants can bring a partner, family member or a friend for support.
Hypo Wallets
We have developed a “hypo wallets” initiative. Hypos (hypoglycaemic episodes) occur when a person’s blood sugar drops to the point where they become disorientated or even unconscious. This generally only occurs with diabetics.
We have distributed hypo wallets, which contain tablets and gels high in glucose and dextrose, to employers, hospitality, sports and leisure facilities free of charge (always hoping and grateful for a donation). These should be kept next to the institution’s first aid kit. Wallets are available at Health Connections in Market Square.
Low Carb Cooking
In April 2024, we ran a hugely successful free and oversubscribed event. Guernsey’s specialist diabetes dietician shared advice on how to manage carbohydrates with top tips and advice on healthy eating. We received fantastic support from local restaurants and food caterers Les Rocquettes Hotel, the RAW store, Le Gouffre Cafe and Restaurant and Cooked by James Ferguson, all of whom provided some healthy meals for attendees to try.